3 Pros (and 2 Cons) of Selling A House For Cash


If you’re considering selling a house for cash the first time, you may have seen an ad or a flyer where you have seen promises to get it off your hands fast for cash and avoid the often tedious mortgage process. However, it’s more complex than you think. First, you need to understand its advantages…

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Selling The Family Home: Bringing Up The Topic


Let’s address the elephant in the room – your parents will likely not want to move, especially when selling the family home. We don’t blame them, it’s quite an emotional process!   Even if they know you have their best interests at heart and are just looking out for their safety, it’s still a challenge.…

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Can I Sell My House Fast in Maryland As-Is?


If you’re a homeowner thinking to “sell my house fast” in Maryland, but are facing issues that make it difficult to sell your house, you might find the thought of selling it “as-is” a fast way to take it off your hands.   However, this can be harder than you think. Do it long enough,…

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